Lateral Thinking as we all know is an idea generation tool and build on the concept of the creativity and innovation. There is a curiosity among the people to know more about the lateral thinking and wanted to read books relating to it. But they are so preoccupied with the things and don’t have time to gain knowledge. That is why this blog is providing a short review on the lateral thinking book.

To comprehend thinking initial, one needs to comprehend the brain as for it. It sees the data it has outside. It takes the data in. It forms the data, in this manner, changing over it into designs. These examples in the end up plainly settled. The mind at that point utilizes these examples to manage circumstances as often as possible. In any case, what happens when one is confronted with another circumstance? That is when Lateral Thinking kicks in. As it were, the point at which the Brain can't tackle a specific issue at to start with, it consequently goes in the System 2 Mode (as said by Kahneman in his book, 'Considering, Fast and Slow').

The concept of lateral thinking

Lateral Thinking overall builds the capacity to think creatively. It has new innovative style of thinking. It is a problem-solving approach which helps in taking the correct decisions in the corporate world.
The below quotes will give the deeper understanding of lateral thinking-
 “Lateral Thinking is closely related to insight, creativity and humor.”
“The most effective way of changing ideas is not from outside by conflict, but from within by the insight rearrangement of the available information”.

Classification of Thinking Processes
  • .Forward Thinking: can be defined as the process of bringing about of an effect.
  • Backward Thinking: This process explains an effect.
  • Vertical Thinking: this is a straightforward type of thinking. It is the most logical approach to the problems.
  • Lateral Thinking: It is a horizontal approach to the problems, an internal process.

Characteristics of Vertical Thinking and Lateral Thinking
Vertical Thinking is the most general, common way of thinking which people use to solve any problem. For example, the vertical approach to a problem of weeds in crops deals with the elimination of weeds. In sharp contrast, a lateral approach would be to see the effects of weeds and growing crops which give a higher yield with weeds. In fact, a research did find how the presence of weeds is more beneficial to crops.
Vertical Thinking is :-
  • Selective
  • Analytical
  • Sequential
  • One has to be correct at every step
  • One uses negatives to block off certain pathways

Lateral Thinking on the other hand is
  • Generative
  • It generates a direction.
  • Provocative.
  • Can make jumps.

Techniques of Lateral Thinking
There are various techniques for thinking laterally. They are:
  • The Generation of Alternatives:
  • Suspended Judgement
  • Fractionation
  • The Reversal Method
  • Brainstorming
  • Analogies
  • Choice of Entry Point and Attention Area:

Thus, we can conclude that lateral thinking is an important tool and plays very crucial role in people’s lives and will make life easier and simpler.

 You can attend our lateral thinking workshop held in 3 major cities and build an ability to think out of the box. TO BOOK A SEAT for this lateral thinking workshop, click here

For any further details or any queries, call us at 011-41080000 | 41629369.  


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